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Wichita State looking into women’s basketball transfers

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  • Has Bill Snyder had success? YES! Is he a disciplinarian? YES! Does he seem like a guy who would dress players down with anger-filled, profanity-laced tirades? I could be wrong but would guess NO on that. He seems like the father figure that you don't want to disappoint.

    If he can find that balance while still having major success, there's no reason for other coaches to not figure out how to find that balance. You can be a strict disciplinarian without being abusive.


    • Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
      Has Bill Snyder had success? YES! Is he a disciplinarian? YES! Does he seem like a guy who would dress players down with anger-filled, profanity-laced tirades? I could be wrong but would guess NO on that. He seems like the father figure that you don't want to disappoint.

      If he can find that balance while still having major success, there's no reason for other coaches to not figure out how to find that balance. You can be a strict disciplinarian without being abusive.
      I don't think we have to look outside the Shocker coaches for a good example of that. We have very successful coaches in most of our other sports, both in men's and women's programs, which don't seem to be having this issue and I doubt if those coaches are always shy little wallflowers. Overall I think Wichita State has outstanding coaches and mentors for our student-athletes.

      That said Bill Snyder is a great example of how a college coach should go about his or her business.
      Last edited by 1972Shocker; April 29, 2015, 10:16 AM.


      • I think Coach Marshall seems to have a well developed sense of getting the best out of his guys without going overboard. His men seem to really respect and love him and it certainly isn't because he is going easy on them. I think the most public use of discipline was with Shaq and that one surprised me. He would have *lost* some guys in that process but I think it was an example of how well he knew the subject he was working on. lol


        • Some insight into generational differences.

          So this probably isn't the best management/coaching technique:
          “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


          • I once had a coach in high school throw his clip board at me at halftime and throw me against the wall. He was yelling at me about my lack of effort. I actually didn't think anything of it, other than how pissed off he was.


            • Originally posted by rrshock View Post
              I know in my line of work, when the around 20 somethings are generally hirrible. They come in, expect everything that the guys that have been arpund for 10+ yrs have and want to whine and ***** about having to do their jobs.

              I think something to look at would be participation in extracurricular activities in hs these days. I have heard from several different schools that participation in everything is down. Kids are lazy. They dont like to be told what to do, and just want to play video games.

              I domt know any of these girls involved and wont make judgement. Im sure they arent your typical kid these days. Just trends these days dont show us much good.
              In my line of work, the younger kids are usually the most "go-getting" people I work with who want to improve and move up in the industry. It's the older people who don't want to do anything but sit at their desk and moan about doing "too much work". I should know, I'm one of those relatively older people who sit at their desk and complain all the time.

              Also, kids have more things to do nowadays than play sports in high school. Back when I was in high school, you either did something at your high school or you didn't do anything.

              I think it's unfair to start painting a "younger generation" as lazy kids who hate authority and only want to play video games just because "our" generation wasn't like that. Hell, I'm in my 30s and I'd rather play video games than do yard work and have a job. Also, I think every older generation thinks the younger generations are lazy and hate authority. Those in the "Greatest" and "Silent" generations all thought the Baby Boomers were lazy hippies.

              Nothing has changed. This is how society always views the younger generation. Just because a few girls got tired of getting verbally abused by their coach doesn't mean they're lazy and are whining. It also doesn't show that they want the easy road. I'm sure 99% of the girls on that team want to work hard and improve. They just don't want to be called a slut while doing it.


              • I didn't play video games when I was a kid. Of course, we didn't have video games then but I did screw off my 1st 3 semesters in college paying pool and pinball in the CAC before I got engaged and decided I better get my ass in gear.

                Edit: Semesters not years.
                Last edited by 1972Shocker; April 29, 2015, 02:39 PM.


                • Just curious if any of you who attended the MVC championship game(s) could/would comment on the interaction between the players and the coaches in those moments of elation/celebration immediately following the final buzzer. Amilarly, those who have attended the team banquest(s), was anything apparent during those events?
                  "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                  Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                  "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                  A physician called into a radio show and said:
                  "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                  • I would just like to reiterate that if you are a former Wichita State women's basketball player or staff member during Jody Adams' time at Wichita State and you would like to provide any relevant information either in support of Coach Adams or otherwise please contact


                    • We are far from the worst but we do have room for improvement.

                      Edit: Try the direct link.
                      Last edited by DUShock; April 29, 2015, 05:20 PM. Reason: Damn copyright laws!
                      “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                      • Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                        Are you saying there is less respect for authority now than there was maybe 45 years ago?

                        Back than about every college campus had people wearing Che Guevera t-shirts. The "Question Authority" t-shirt was also very popular. College students thumbed their noses at laws and mores that said drugs were bad. Many college campuses had Students For a Democratic Society chapters, which were proponents of a socialist state. Guys let their hair grow.
                        Well said.

                        We get so wrapped up in nostalgia and conventional wisdom that people don't stop and think about what they're saying. Everything is always worse than "in my day." Half the people on here lived through the 60s, and people think THIS generation doesn't respect authority? The youth of the 60s made a fetish of spitting in the face of authority.

                        I think it's actually remarkable how much this younger generation respects authority. Older generations living through the 60s were predicting the end of civilization as we knew it with nonstop drug use, free love, rejection of all societal norms, violent conflict with authority, etc. Hell, Generation X was the same way. Does everyone have collective amnesia about all those punk kids in the 80s with their long rocker hair, leather jackets, skateboards, blah blah blah? Does anyone remember the massive crime waves of the 80s and 90s?

                        I consider this young generation FAR more responsible and respectful than either the Baby Boomers of Generation X. No one ever looks back honestly and says "my generation kind of sucked." This current young generation kind of rocks. The Boomers and Gen X ... both kind of shitty.
                        Last edited by Rlh04d; April 29, 2015, 08:54 PM.
                        Originally posted by BleacherReport
                        Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                        • Originally posted by XManCometh View Post
                          In my line of work, the younger kids are usually the most "go-getting" people I work with who want to improve and move up in the industry. It's the older people who don't want to do anything but sit at their desk and moan about doing "too much work". I should know, I'm one of those relatively older people who sit at their desk and complain all the time.

                          Also, kids have more things to do nowadays than play sports in high school. Back when I was in high school, you either did something at your high school or you didn't do anything.

                          I think it's unfair to start painting a "younger generation" as lazy kids who hate authority and only want to play video games just because "our" generation wasn't like that. Hell, I'm in my 30s and I'd rather play video games than do yard work and have a job. Also, I think every older generation thinks the younger generations are lazy and hate authority. Those in the "Greatest" and "Silent" generations all thought the Baby Boomers were lazy hippies.

                          Nothing has changed. This is how society always views the younger generation. Just because a few girls got tired of getting verbally abused by their coach doesn't mean they're lazy and are whining. It also doesn't show that they want the easy road. I'm sure 99% of the girls on that team want to work hard and improve. They just don't want to be called a slut while doing it.
                          Im also in my 30's. Im in a blue collar job and i assure you that the younger employees have a sense of entitlement. It may not be that way in all sectors, but i have heard it from several people in different jobs. I also have teenagers and see everyday that one of them is more worried about snap chat and instagram than doing anything productive.

                          I am in no way supporting HCJA here. If what was allegated was true, then it is a shame. The girls had every right to be upset. As i said previously, im sure they arent your average member of this age group.

                          And on yhe different generations, I completely agree that no group is going to say my generation sucked. All generations have had their share of "POS'S". That will never change. But i have to disagree that gen x was worse than todays generation. At worst it is equal.


                          • Since this has turned into a generational discussion I will share honestly share my thoughts at this mildly anonymous forum. When I hire, regardless of line staff or executive level, positions I ask myself "Are batteries included?". In short, I want go getters, ideally people that are at least intelligent, preferably more intelligent than I. I have found that the "younins" inspire me, motivate, and act as idealistic young professionals who remind me why I do what I do.

                            All of this aside, it seems that the spread between the go getters and dead beats is vast. I do not know if this is always the case, I will defer to those older and more experienced than myself to answer. The onus is on me to make the proper hire. It is also why theire is a probationary period. If I properly do my job then the organization will benefit, if not, then I too am part of the problem.

                            Now lets all go out and hire a Shocker!
                            Last edited by DUShock; April 30, 2015, 07:33 PM. Reason: Replaced 'their' with 'there'. Doh!
                            “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                            • If you are a former Wichita State women's basketball player or staff member during Jody Adams' time at Wichita State and you would like to provide any relevant information either in support of Coach Adams or otherwise please contact ""
                              Last edited by 1972Shocker; April 30, 2015, 11:52 AM.


                              • Does anyone know if Endicott was in charge of softball during the Judy Favor years?

